Glass Soup - Tor Publishing Group
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Glass Soup

Cover for the book titled as: Glass Soup
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For connoisseurs of imaginative fiction, the novels of Jonathan Carroll are a special treat that occupy a space all their own. His surreal fictions, which deftly mix the everyday with the extraordinary, have won him a devoted following. Now, in Glass Soup, Carroll continues to astound . . . .

The realm of the dead is built from the dreams–and nightmares–of the living. Octopuses drive buses. God is a polar bear. And a crowded highway literally leads to hell.

Once before, Vincent Ettrich and his lover, Isabelle Neukor, crossed over from life to death and back again. Now Isabelle bears a very special child, who may someday restore the ever-changing mosaic that is reality. Unless the agents of Chaos can lure her back to the land of the dead–and trap her there forever.
Glass Soup is another exquisite and singular creation from the author January magazine described as “incapable of writing a bad book much less an uninteresting one.”

Book Details

  • Tor Books
  • On Sale: 10-01-2005
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